
Showing posts from March, 2021

Lives of the Philosophers by Diogenes Laertius 3rd C. CE

Commentaries on the Gallic War by Julius Caesar & Aulus Hirtius 1st C. BCE

On the Government of God by Salvian 5th C. CE

The Caesars by Julian the Apostate 361 CE

The Legend of Chotkar Patyr by unknown author

Fasti by Ovid 1st C. CE

The Golden Verses by Pythagoras 6th-5th C. BCE

The Poetic Edda (Elder Edda) by Anonymous, 13th C. CE

The Prose Edda (Younger Edda) by Snorri Sturlason, 13th C. CE

Germania & The Life of Cnæus Julius Agricola by Tacitus, 98 CE

History of the Langobards by Paul the Deacon 787-796 CE

Getica (The Origin and Deeds of the Goths) by Jordanes 551 CE

Heimskringla by Snorri Sturlason 1225 CE

The Odyssey by Homer 8th C. BCE

The Iliad by Homer 8th C. BCE

Aeschines: 'Against Timarchus', 'On the Embassy', and 'Against Ctesiphon' 346-345 BCE

The Library of History by Diodorus Siculus (Diodorus of Sicily) 60-30 BCE